The Knowledge Tree – Making Learning Easy

A child’s growth and development begins in the formative years of education. It is therefore important for a child to get the right kind of education and practical exposure. Learning is beyond four walls of a classroom. As kids are curious learners, they need to be exposed to practical learning experiences to broaden their horizons of thinking.

At Unison Kinderworld, positioned among the best preparatory schools in Pinjore, we have a knowledge tree for our curious learners, and here is a look through to some of its branches:

Learning through Visual Aids

Studying in the monotonous environment of pencils, paper, chalks, and blackboard every day will eventually kill a child’s curiosity and interest. Illustration of practical implications of subjects like science and maths through visual aids and fun activities not only breaks the monotony but also helps them understand and learn better.

Cultural Visits

Visits to the museums, zoos, and other cultural heritage sites so that the students get a dose of the practicality of what they read in books. It gives the children a taste of how things look in reality. These visits can foreshadow a child’s interest in a field as it arouses curiosity among the children to learn more about a particular subject.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Extracurricular activities such as painting, sports, art, and dance help children explore their creative talents. It boosts self- esteem of a child by letting them figure out how they are different from others. Extracurricular activities also act as a mood lifter for the students when they do something apart from academics.

Fun Games

Preschool’s fun games are more than just fun for children and are an important part in developing life skills in them. Games such as building blocks, clay making, and puzzles inculcate skills such as problem-solving, thinking skills, teamwork which prepares them for the future.

Education can only be considered complete when it supports deep-rooted learning. We believe in the philosophy that every child is capable of doing more than just learning and remembering. This is why it is important that kids are offered the scope to apply their knowledge to make learning a part of their experience

Being amongst the best prep school in Pinjore, we try to give our students the right exposure under this knowledge tree so that their knowledge is not only restricted to books and helps in overall development of a child.