Parents/ Guardians Guidelines

  1. To cooperate with school authorities, in particular, they are understood to have entrusted the principal and the teachers with the authority to correct their children at their reasonable discretion.
  2. All parents must follow the school timings strictly. School gates will be closed at 7:45 a.m. (Summers) and 8:15 a.m. (Winters). No students will be admitted after this. Frequent late-comers will be sent home.
  3. Parents are requested to see that their children are neat and tidy for school each morning. Clothes and shoes should be in proper condition, hair should be clean and neatly combed. Children are required to report in school uniform on their birthday. If a parent wishes to celebrate his child’s birthday in school, it should be restricted to distribution of not more than two toffees, with a trusted trademark, per child.
  4. Parents should make sure that the school diary must be brought to the class daily as it forms a link between the school authorities and the parents.
  5. The school diary, notebooks, test files etc. should be neatly covered, correctly labelled and brought to school as per the time-table. These should be properly maintained.
  6. The parents are required to check their ward’s diary, sign important notes, progress reports or other similar documents when required to do so, as not to put their child to any inconvenience.
  7. Parents/Guardians are advised that any comment made in the school diary by them should be confined to the pupil’s work and conduct. No purpose will be served by critical references entered in the diary with respect to the teaching methods; such remarks will only bring the school and home at variance with each other. However, if a parent/guardian has any suggestions to make, the Principal shall be happy to receive them through a written communication separately or a personal confidential meeting with her in her office. They can write a letter to the principal directly or leave the same in Suggestion Box displayed at school reception area.
  8. Parents should make it a point to attend the parent-teacher meeting on the given date. The school administration will take a serious view of the parents absenting themselves from such meetings.
  9. If a Parent wish to meet a teacher on a working day, he/she may do so, after informing the teacher one day in advance through a diary note/School Pad App.
  10. Be open to listening and considering the teacher’s opinion regarding your child, even when the comments may not be complimentary.
  11. Offer support to school activities and be present to support and motivate your child on Sports day/ Annual day/Celebration of National Days.
  12. As the medium of instruction in school is English, parents are requested to ensure that there is certain amount of regular conversation in English at home. This would help the children to follow their lessons easily and intelligently and develop the habit of conversing in English.
  13. Parents should encourage their wards to carry nutritious snacks in their tiffin boxes.
  14. Parents should follow gate rules to enter the school premises.
  15. Parents are not permitted to shout or use offensive language in school premises.
  16. Parents will not form groups outside the school gate and violate the school rules.
  17. Parents, who are availing school transport facility should make a note that it takes time to streamline routes and timings of the buses and sometimes they may have to face inconvenience due to mechanical faults, which may not be avoidable. In such cases, parents are requested not to get panicky and to cooperate with the school authorities.
  18. Parents are requested to keep a check on the online activities of their ward. This school does not advocate social media as a platform to share information and thus will not be accountable in these matters.
  19. The school will never permit collection of money for any purpose without the permission of the Principal. Parents are advised not to give money to their wards unless they receive a circular or a communication from the school authorities. In absence of any such circular/ information, the school will not be held responsible for any unpleasant outcome.
  20. The school strongly discourages private tuitions. Parents are advised not to approach the school teachers for personal tuitions.
  21. Valuable articles are not allowed in the school premises and the school shall not be responsible for any loss.
  22. Disciplinary action will be initiated against a student who does not act in accordance with the Code of Conduct laid down in the school diary.
  23. Parents can ask for any document/certificates in writing. These will be issued within 24 hours after receipt of the application.
  24. In all official correspondence with the school, the full name of the child, together with the class, roll number, section and admission number, should be stated.
  25. To deal with emergency situations, parents are specially requested to notify the school immediately if there are any changes in their address/telephone number.
  26. The admission of the child to the school means complete acceptance of all of the school rules by the parents as enforced/amended from time to time.
  27. Parents are expected to sign the Teacher’s remarks in the Almanac, indicating follow- up action.
  28. All communication with class or subject teachers should be conducted through School App. In case of emergencies, parents may directly contact the front desk executive
  29. Parents may not meet students during school hours; prior permission and leave application are required for midday collections.
  30. Unclaimed articles in the school premises will be placed in the lost and found box, labelled clothing is easier to trace.
  31. Parents are encouraged to utilize the almanac for any day-to-day concerns related to notebooks or books. However, please note that written messages in textbooks will not be accepted.
  32. Students must bring their tiffins in the morning; late submissions will not be accepted for security reasons.
I have read all the school rules and promise to abide by them.